About The Gay Real Estate Group’s New York Chapter

Welcome to The Gay Real Estate Group (‘GREG’). We are more than just an organization; we are a dynamic community of dedicated professionals who share a common passion for the world of commercial real estate and related fields. GREG is a vibrant and incorporated network, united by three key principles: Professional Excellence, Commitment to Philanthropic & Charitable Cause, and a Profound Dedication to our Careers. Our mission is to foster a diverse and inclusive environment that celebrates a rich tapestry of backgrounds and work experiences.

At GREG, we believe in keeping our members well-informed and connected with each other. We achieve this through high-quality programs and insightful tours that ensure our members stay up-to-date with the latest developments in real estate, construction, and development. Additionally, we host two annual social events that bring our community closer together: a heartwarming holiday party in December and a sizzling summer bash in July.

Membership in GREG and attendance at our exclusive gatherings are by invitation only, ensuring that our network remains a close-knit and supportive community. We invite you to join us in our mission to not only excel in our careers but also make a positive impact on the world around us. Together, we're building a stronger, more diverse, and inclusive real estate community, one connection at a time. Welcome to the family that is The Gay Real Estate Group.

Additionally, GREG is proud to introduce our "Young Leaders" cohort, an inspiring initiative designed for members under 35 years old. The mission of this subgroup is to connect young LGBT+ members of the real estate industry with experienced mentors who can provide them with invaluable advice and unwavering support as they embark on their career journeys. Young Leaders of GREG will be carefully matched with a GREG mentor who specializes in a sector of the industry that aligns with their interests and aspirations.

We encourage our Young Leaders to actively participate in all GREG programs, providing them with a unique opportunity to stay informed about the latest developments in real estate, construction, and development. We also extend a warm invitation for our Young Leaders to join us at all GREG events, fostering an inclusive environment where connections and camaraderie flourish. Join us at GREG, and become part of something remarkable, where connections are made, careers flourish, and the future of the real estate industry is bright and inclusive.